Insects & Nature – Macro Photography at Mitzpe Modiin


Morning Dew - fine art photograph by Smadar Barnea. cat # E20-1503-14-4250

Morning Dew – fine art photograph by Smadar Barnea
cat # E20-1503-14-4250

I went to photograph insects yesterday. Any of you who’ve been following me know that that is NOT my cup of tea, but my photography-club was having this outing, & I decided to participate. I find that these deviations from my preferred subjects & style are beneficial to my work. So, I sallied out to Mitzpe Modiin early in the morning, to catch the creatures while still relatively inactive, at morning temperatures

I was surprised to find I was thoroughly  enjoying myself.



For those of you who enjoy (and maybe even understand about) these things, I’ll list some of the insects we found: Praying Mantises, wasps, butterflies (not very many), a Lady Bug or two, crickets, & various species of what I’ll randomly call “beetles”, for lack of more specific knowledge.




Of course, the first thing I saw (and photographed) was the beautiful early-morning light on the plants.


Pink Flower with Visitor - photograph by Smadar Barnea | cat # E20-1503-14-4363

Pink Flower with Visitor – photograph by Smadar Barnea
cat # E20-1503-14-4363




After we had already packed up to go, I decided that the pink wild flowers were too pretty to pass by, so I stopped to give them a bit of attention too, before heading home.
Well, what do you know? The flower I was focusing on had a visitor – some kind of fly or other. So I was unintentionally continuing the session…




Here’s one of the pictures I took of a very agreeable Praying Mantis, who patiently posed for us


Mantis Praying to Blue Flower - photograph by Smadar Barnea. cat # E20-1503-14-4333

Mantis Praying to Blue Flower – photograph by Smadar Barnea. cat # E20-1503-14-4333


 And a portrait of him, in true, classical format

Portrait of Praying Mantis - photograph by Smadar Barnea. cat # E20-1503-14-4315

Portrait of Praying Mantis – photograph by Smadar Barnea. cat # E20-1503-14-4315























That’s all for now.
Till next time -

                      Best wishes, and -
                      Keep looking for the beauty and light that are everywhere!

                                                  - Smadar





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